Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Step by Step...

I'm sleeping late tonight finishing my editing....listening to NKOTB "Step by Step"...yup flashback night. When I heard they got back together, I had to go get their greatest hits. I had their casette tape back in the 6th grade (yes I remember) ....but who has a casette player anymore. I remember wanted to be Mrs. Jonathan Knight, LOL. His posters were all over my wall, thanks to 'Big Bopper' magazine.

Anyway, I'm finishing my editing with Jess and her kids and I thought this was cute. She's such a cutie, but everytime I counted to 3, she would always blink. So with this shot, I didn't count...I think that worked. Anyway, today is her birthday so wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day!



Athena said...

wow, awesome reflection in her eyes! love the angle. such a pretty girl.

jcutes75 said...

cute close up and i can't even tell if it is emme or maya...: ) thanks pink!

Troy said...

Nice pictures, but I can't believe you'd bring up that sore spot of NKOTB. Evil!!

Janell said...

you do such great photography work Pinky! I hope one day I'll be able to hire you for our family pics. If only I could come back to Hawaii...