Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Miss J

Here are the rest from my session yesterday. We had so much fun, Jess was up for anything! I mean anything.... as long as it had to do with 'Twilight'

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After this we went up the street where there was this cool place that I never knew existed...and I lived here how many years?? And it was right across the park that I always bring Cole to play at.

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Here she was trying to have that look in 'New Moon' in where Edward was as close to the forest as I could get =)

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Her with the apple again...

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And her kids ....

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jcutes75 said...

OMG Pinky I love them all! You are so awesome. We need to get all the scenes from the book and capture the exact picture in the making. This is so exciting! Edward will find these pictures and start his hunting soon...I can feel his presence as you are taunting him with the lusty, fruitful pictures of his "Bella."

Brooke said...

Im a edward lover as well! :) great shots I have some Idea I want to play out too haha

Anonymous said...

You guys are so funny and terrific! Great job. LOL Jess looked like she so had a blast. How come Pinky not in any shots? Or are those the secret ones? The one of all three girls is precious! I bet Tata would love one.

Jennah M said...

OOH love the twilight inspired pics!!! great job!!!

Anonymous said...

These are such great pics! Your friend Jess looks great. And, her kids are cute too! Doing pictures with you are ALWAYS FUN!

Anonymous said...

These are cool pictures Pinky. I like the one of the girls. Jess looks good in the one where she's smiling through the bushes and the black and white picture where she's looking at the camera. Thanks for taking these awesome pictures of my family.

Anonymous said...

The photos are fabulous. Jessica is gorgeous! The girls are beautiful. We know them well, and you certainly captured them. Wonderful work!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,You're lookin' so great!:) Well, truly...absolutely gorgeous, along with your beautiful children. Tell Pinky she does a great job. Too bad she's on Oahu and not on the Big Island!: ) Please tell Pinky I think her photography was stunning.

Anonymous said...

nice pics, Jess. I'm picking up Twilight from the library tomorrow. you won me over. i'll give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Great picts Pinky, Jess & her girls are beautiful. Jess told me I could check out their new picts here. Wonderful artistry here. Traci from MA

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I really like the pictures! She’s a great and pretty model!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jess, you look so gorgeous!! Pinky, your photography is so amazing.

Anonymous said...

Your Twilight pictures were unbelievable!