Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mini Session...

Dee and her family came to visit us today after going to see their parents for grandparents day. I didn't know there was such a thing, but I'm glad there is....shoot I forgot to call my parents. Anyway, I got a little mini session of them up at our park. It was really nice.



And they got some time alone while baby sat in the stroller... He looks so in love with her....or is he sleeping??? LOL





Jess said...

Love these shots and love your name. It makes for a fun business name too.

I want to come to Hawaii..

Anonymous said...

That last picture with them kissing in the background and holding hands in the foreground is great! Terrifico! Very romantical.

Troy said...

Those are wonderful pics Pink. There is just something about my cousin kissing someone that ruins it for me. I'll keep this PG though so GOOD JOB!! Come up to Washington so you can take some sexy pics of Deb & me!!