Sunday, September 28, 2008

Glass Beach

I met up with my old friend Gina this evening. We went to high school together and was in the same dance group, the "Jam City Rockers." Haha, it sounds so funny now that I look back at that, but well we thought we were cool hip hop dancers!! I met her new family...and they are such a beautiful family. I hope you like the sneak peak!


I thought his little face was priceless...


Thanks Athena for this idea!


Handsome little man...


It looks like it's snowing, especially with baby's little hat on. It just started to drizzle, it added a nice touch to it though.


Glass Beach...called that because the sand sparkles like glass. I've never been here before and I grew up on this island. I feel so sheltered. This is my new favorite spot! I wish Oahu had more beaches like this.

See all the tiny glass in the sand?






I know that was a lot, but I had fun going through these. Thanks for the fun night guys!


Athena said...

Nice silhouette! I see your reflection in the first shot. Cute family ~ I picture their little boy in a hat in Chinatown with our two :)

Kauai is so pretty. Hurry up and book a big wedding so you can take me!

Pinky said...

LOL...sorry I should've caught that but I was editing really late with one eye closed, so tired. Will fix that =)

Anonymous said...

Aww! Gina and her family look great. JAM CITY ROCKERS. LoL...Those were the days. The pictures came out great. Where's Glass Beach anyways? You figure, we've lived there for as long as we have...we'd know where that is.

jcutes75 said...

I love the pictures! Their little boy is so adorable. Especially with his squishy nose picture that one is too cute! Ooohhh the glass beach reminds me of Edward sparkling...hmmm...Awesome work Pinky! Beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

I liked the one where it was drizzling it looked so amazing. See the talent that your have. Can't wait to have a sunset pix with mike and our up coming little one. In fact all of your pictures are so beautiful. Maybe you can bring your sister in law with you to Ray's wedding??? :)She'll love Kauai. Trip out on how much Chickens we have. Love ya!